I am all about Billy,
and Billy I hope is all about me
he breathes into my hair
my scalp tingles warm
Billy yes yes Billy yes
I aim to please
I do what Billy says
let Billy guide let Billy tease
and dress me in his love of words
and rouse me with his tongue
Billy Billy Billy
the name rolls off my tongue
like autumn leaves scattering
on an empty street rolling and golden
Billy this Billy that Billy in my head
his ideas needling behind my eyes
Billy’s hands everywhere as he talks
as he rolls a cig and lights it
Billy’s hands everywhere
in my hair and underneath my dress
Billy buttons me up against the wind
and I definitely like it
Billy on Billy off Billy inside Billy outside
Billy in my dreams and nightmares
I wake with his letters in my mouth
and spit them out B-I-L-L-Y
Billy rolls over with a what’s up babe?
and reassured by Billy’s presence
I close my Billy Billy eyes
go back to Billy Billy sleep